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“Some Thoughts on Legal Remedies,”  Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations:  Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice, Oxford University, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, August 5-7, 1988.

“Penile Torts in the Courts,” Seventh International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C., April 4-7, 2002.

“Strategies for Litigation,” Eighth International Symposium on Circumcision and Human Rights, University of Padua, Italy, September 2-4, 2004.

“Circumcision Litigation,” Lecture to the Bioethics & Medical Malpractice Course, Pace University School of Law, Tarrytown, New York, September 20, 2004.

“Winning and Losing on the Circuit,” Ninth International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity, and Human Rights,” University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, August 24-26, 2006.

Mr. Llewellyn also has appeared on Good Morning America, The Montel Williams Show, the former “Nachman” program on MSNBC, and on Canadian television, as well as on numerous radio programs throughout the United States, in regard to neo-natal male circumcision.


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